How to update SARE rulesets via Apache SpamAssassin's sa-update =============================================================== Do all of the following as the user who will be running sa-update: - Download the GPG key used to sign files in these channels from: wget - Import the GPG key used for these channels (downloaded above): sa-update --import GPG.KEY - Add each of the channels you want sa-update to update to a text file of your choice. Channels names are created by prepending the .cf file name found on the SARE site ( to "". If you wanted to include the ruleset, you might do the following: echo "" >> sare-sa-update-channels.txt (or you could use your favourite text editor) Note: You should also add the default update channel "" to the channel file you create. Currently SpamAssassin requires you to use updates from the default channel if you use any other channels. If you do not add the default channel to the channel file you MUST also run sa-update without the --channelfile option at least once. Alternatively, you can download an automatically generated channel file that contains all of the current channels (each of which is commented out) from: - Run sa-update. Be sure to tell it to use the channel file created above and to trust the channels' GPG key. sa-update --channelfile /path/to/sare-sa-update-channels.txt --gpgkey 856AA88A